Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Thursday, March 29, 2007

New voice recorder

So I just ordered a voice recorder with some of the money I got for my birthday. An Olympus VN-960PC that hooks up to your PC through a USB cable. Overall I am really impressed with it, and I mainly use it to record my son Noah talking and yabberin' away. I imagine I will use it to record seminars, or other speakers/events in the future. Who know when it will come in handy really. I wouldn't say it was an indispensable piece of equipment in my arsenal, but it's quite cool and will forever encapsulate our kids talking at such a young age.

Here is an upload of audio clips that I took in the last few days. I should mention that my mom said he, "sounds like a bird caught in a mousetrap," after I played it for her over the phone. Considering the distortion over speaker phone and such, I can understand the confusion, I just thought it was a funny comparison. Anyway, listen away!

*revision* The player seems to be slowing down the loading of the page, so click below to hear the audio clips!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

She rolls!

Just a few days ago we realized that we put Frencesca down for a nap on her tummy (which she loves), and she woke up on her back! She's rolling! She's done it a few times since, and it's pretty cool.

In other news, Noah pee'd in his little potty chair yesterday! We got him one because he's been showing a sign of being ready: He points to his diaper and grabs himself after he pee/poops in his diaper sometimes. He mainly likes the novelty of sitting on the potty, and we're not sure how ready he is to start using it. But we thought we'd give it a try.

Monday, March 12, 2007

So what's new?

So, it's been a while. What's new with the Giove's? Well, I've been working on a bunch of web design projects for extra money. One day spa, and one land moving company. (I can hear some of you laughing at the coincidental irony.) The whole family has been sick, it seems, forever. Noah is finally getting over being sick, and today Amie has started feeling utterly terrible. So are we in for another bout with sick days and sniffelin' noses? Hopefully not.

In other news, Amie threw me a surprise birthday party on the 2nd! It was crazy. I didn't realize

Frencesca's first bath

As you might have guessed. I've been a little back-logged with photos. This is my attempt to catch up with my photo taking hobby (addiction?)

Frencesca and the Parks

Frencesca had a visit from a Jessica, Amber, Nicole Parks, and their mom Susan. And then our neighbor Matthew Parks (no relation) came for a visit! Here are some photos:

The Byrne Family Visit

The Byrnes came to visit, and here are some photos Amie took before they left.

Also, I should mention, these are web quality images. If you want a link to the Wal-Mart photo center where you can print out high quality photos, just email me.


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