Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Want to hang out... in NY?

want to hang out

That's right. We're calling out to all our New York friends: Do you want to hang out? We'll be in town for my sister in law's (Rachel) wedding, and we would love to hang out with you!

Sept 27 (Thr)We're driving through the night to arrive sometime that day. That night is the bachelorette party at 7:30 in Victor.
Sept 28 (Fri)We will be helping with wedding preparation then have the rehearsal and dinner all in Canandaigua.
Sept 29 (Sat)Wedding day! We'll be preparing for the wedding, and then going to the wedding and reception.
Sept 20 (Sun)Hang out with you!
Oct 1 (Mon)Hang out with you!
Oct 2 (Tue)Hang out with you!

We will be staying at a cottage on Honeoye Lake and probably going to my old stomping grounds (Calvary Community Church) that Sunday. We're trying our best to prearrange our time with friends as much as we can before we get there, so if you could contact us with your schedule, that would be awesome!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

News: Noah's Injury

This weekend we took part in the Turnberry garage sale at our friends house. They were selling cups of coffee, tea, and bottled water. On Saturday Noah happened to see a cup and decided to help himself, which to his horror was scolding hot coffee! He accidentally poured it down his chest and belly, and got burned pretty bad. We were able to cool the burn, and eventually get him to calm down. But there were blisters forming in places, and that made us and a few nurses that were there worried. We took him in to the ER and they looked at him. They prescribed him some stronger pain killers and a burn cream. They assured us that he would be okay, and that we did everything right. The doctor defined the burn as: superficial partial thickness.

On Monday Noah was looking great! You never would have guessed what had happened the day before seeing him running and jumping on things. We thought we would be up all night with him, but he slept pretty soundly throughout the night. You can keep his burns in your prayers though, as it still does cause him pain occasionally. You can also pray for us because his pain medication is making him super hyper active! He's just bouncing off the walls constantly!


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