Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ice Cream Celebration

Dairy Queen trip

Lately we have been very successful at potty training Noah, and for the last two nights Noah has stayed dry all night! Yesterday when he was dry for the first time, we decided to take him out for ice cream to celebrate. Noah was pretty excited and Dolly was sure appreciative about it as well. We took them to Dairy Queen across from ONU, and Josh happened to be driving by and stopped to say hi. If you don't know, Noah loves Josh. And he was pretty excited about him showing up. Take a look at our video:

Ice Cream Trip from David Giove on Vimeo.

In other news: Today is Noah's Birthday! We woke up early (before the alarm went off at 6:30am) and I made Noah and Frencesca some cinnamon oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. Usually when I do this the pancakes never actually hit a plate, they come right off the frying pan and into a belly. Needless to say, they devour pancakes. Later today Grandma is coming to spend time with the birthday boy, and hand out presents tonight. I'm looking forward to it, and I'll have videos/photos of it to share later for sure. Check back soon!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Noah find the polish

Noah found the polish

So Amie called me today and asked me, "Do we have a camera here?" Which typically means, Noah got into something, and it's pretty photo worthy. Sure enough, the next thing she says is, "Do you know what your son did?"

As you can see, if you haven't clicked on the photos already, Noah got into the nail polish. He sees mom doing it enough that he decided to give it a whirl. Don't even try explaining to him that he doesn't use mom's polish, nevermind that pretties are for girls only. While we have to struggle to get Frencesca to keep her pretty headbands on, Noah will quickly take them and wear them all day if we let him. What a silly boy. :\

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Frencesca gets camera time

Usually we put one child to bed first, and after about 30 minutes we put down the second. Staggering their bedtimes has worked well with the problem of them playing in bed together at night. This particular night I had Frencesca up later, and we were playing around in the living room. She really loves watching herself in the camera, which you might notice she's looking at the viewfinder. She's a pretty precious little girl, check out the video!

Camera time with Dolly from David Giove on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Potty Training

Today I got a call from Noah, which was similar to one I got last week. He told me:

I pooped in the potty daddy!
I couldn't help but express my enthusiasm for our little man. For the last two weeks Noah has been wearing big boy undies and peeing in the potty. He's had his good and bad times, but he is really getting the hang of it. Not only is he excited and actively working towards a diaper free life, Frencesca is excited as well. Just today we put her in her new big girl undies in hopes that she will follow in big brothers footsteps. She loves the cat undies at the moment, and she'll sit in the potty for candy. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

Potty Announcement from David Giove on Vimeo.


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