Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Giovanna Ruth Arlene

Giovanna Ruth Arlene Giove entered the world on November 8th at 6:18am weighing 8lb 14.5oz and measuring 21.5in long! Our home birth ended up going really well, and Amy did an excellent job! After waking up with some painful contractions, we called the midwife at 4:30am telling her that it was the real deal. At 6am she said, 'This is intense' as she labored in the pool. The midwife arrived and 18 minutes later and Giovanna made her entrance into this world. She was born in the bag of waters which was amazing, and to the delight of Amy as she was hoping that would happen.

We had planned for the kids to be at our good friends house (the Taff family) but it was so early that we didn't want to wake them to be picked up. It ended up being perfect. At 6am Frencesca appeared in the doorway of the kitchen with a look on her face to say, "Hi, what's going on in here?" She walked over to me and sat on my lap calmly and was able to witness the birth first hand. After Amy delivered the after birth, we were walking her back to our bed to lay down when Noah appeared at his door with the same wonder. He definitely knew something was up when he asked, "Did your baby decide to come out today mama?" He was definitely amazed and happy to see his little sister. Noah even exclaimed that he didn't want to leave his baby, when he was leaving to spend the day with our friends.

We definitely will be doing a home birth again, as it was an amazing experience. I'm sure Amy will get on here and express her own thoughts, and I'll probably have some more things to say later as well. I was definitely very impressed with Amy and her laboring. She did amazingly well, and it will always remain a mystery to me because she was in such intense pain, yet remained a lot more calm than you could even imagine.

P.S. I just noticed the other day that picasa lets you order prints from Walgreens, Shutterfly, Snapfish, and Photoworks. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Noah's Birthday

Noah had a blast for his third birthday. The day started off with waking up and finding Bob the Builder and Wendy sitting in his chair at the table. Frencesca almost beat him to the table. My mom and sister were there to enjoy the day with him, and he loved it. We had a good morning and we opened some of his presents that we had for him. While opening cards Noah opened a card from my dad that played a little song. He loved it, and after he opened that one was surprised when the others didn't play songs either asking, "Is this broken?"

After presents at home we had planned an afternoon at the park with friends, and cake. We spend a lot of time decorating his cake, which we brought and shared with his (and our friends) that came. Noah had a blast, and even got a few presents there. His birthday ended up being a very happy time for our man, and he really enjoyed having his friends around to share it with him.


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