Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Dad went shooting

I went out shooting last night for the first time, and boy was it fun! First time as in, I don't think I've ever shot anything besides a BB gun that my good friend Jason had way back in junior high. I went with Brad, a colleague from work, and his father out to the sportsmans club that they belong to. He let me shoot his Remington 11-87 semi-automatic "Sporting Clays" 12 ga. shotgun. He also let me fire a few with his Browning 425 Over-and-under that he was using. I shot 2 rounds with 12/25 the first round, and 15/25 the second. I hear that's not too bad for the first time, but Brad assured me that if I got much better they would have to stop inviting me along with them.

I found some information about guns that I will be reading later at, and I will definitely go with Brad again if I am invited.

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