Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cinnamon is being induced!

We found out yesterday that our friends and downstairs neighbor, are having their baby boy today. The doctor induced her at around 7 this morning. So we wait with anticipation. Amie is a the hospital with them, because she's Cinnamon's birthing coach, and I took Noah off to our friends house for the day. (Which he thought was the coolest thing ever!)

They already picked out Matthew West as being his name, and no they didn't name him after the popular Christian pop artist. They had actually never heard of him before we told them, "So are you a big Matthew West fan?" To which they were puzzled and replied something to the effect of, "Yes we're a fan, we picked the name you idiot." We continued the conversation until they realized that the name they picked had been a name heard on the radio waves here in town.

I plan on going to check out the little guy when I get out of work today. I'll post some photos for you to check out when I have them.


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