Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Web radio day of silence

A group of very popular web radio stations chose to go silent for the entire day yesterday, in order to encourage people to call their congress men and women to help support a change. You can read about what when on yesterday in this press release by Jake Ward from Save Net Radio.

You may have heard of Save Net Radio: a group of artists, listeners, and Webcasters working together to save Internet radio as we know it. If you appreciate web radio I strongly encourage you to get involved. They encourage you to call your members of congress, which is a little more personal than other sites that allow you to email representatives, but it would be worth it if a change was made. If you haven't really heard about this issue, I have linked some additional information below.

Here is a PSA: Save Net Radio

Here is an excerpt from the wikipedia page detailing the issue:

The Internet Radio Equality Act, originally introduced as House of Representatives bill 2060 (or HR 2060), is proposed legislation to nullify the March 2, 2007, determination of the Copyright Royalty Board modifying the current web casted radio royalties and fees retroactively to January 1, 2006. The current system charges a flat rate plus a percentage of profits to the radio provider. The new system would introduce a flat per-song rate that would be retroactively applied to all music played since January of 2006. This bill was introduced on April 26 by Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-IL) and has been cosponsored by over 100 members of the Congress. It was introduced in the Senate on May 10 by Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Sam Brownback (R-KS). The bill's proponents claim that "the majority of webcasters will go bankrupt and silent" when the Copyright Royalty Board's decision takes effect unless the bill passes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

White Sox Game

So last night we went to a Sox game, compliments of the I.T. Department. It was a great time, and the kids did great. Noah was such a tired man after the 7th inning when we decided to head home. But I think he really enjoyed being there. It was so interesting to him seeing all the people in the stadium screaming and yelling and moving all around. They drove trucks out onto the track for a promotion during a break in-between innings, and that was probably his favorite part. He talked about the, "truck" for a long time afterwards. At one point they sent off some fireworks display after a great play on the Sox part, and Noah, feeling the vibrations started looking at the ground wondering what was going on. We had to do some serious convincing to get him to look up and see the fireworks. We were very happy that it was possible to take them out and have it work out well. Hopefully we will get more chances to do these trips with the kids.

Renewable Energy Fair

This past fathers day weekend Scott Shold took me to the '07 Renewable Energy fair in Stevens Point Wisconsin. We left early Saturday morning (5:03a) and arrived around 10a for the first class, and left after the 3p class on Sunday. It ended up being very good weather. It rained on and off very little on Saturday, but enough to stop the 90° weather that they are predicting for today in IL. It was a great time, and very interesting. Scott and I got a good time and got to know each other a little better, and we even had a little extra time after classes ended on Sat to hang out and catch a movie (At World's End).

Here's the classes that we attended:

  • Sat/10a - Landscaping for Energy

  • Sat/11a - Effective Use of Solar Energy with Payback

  • Sat/12p - Green Building Exteriors

  • Sat/02p - Food Drying & Canning

  • Sat/04p - Beginning Beekeeping

  • Sun/10a - Wood Heat

  • Sun/11a - Why Nuclear Power

  • Sun/12p - Carbon Footprinting

  • Sun/02p - Plug-In Hybrid

  • Sun/03p - RE for Non-Homeowners

I have audio files and notes that I'll post a little later, for those who might be somewhat interested.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Scary Snacks

Today is clean out the fridge day at work. While making sure I didn't have any food rotting in the fridge, I found something interesting. First of all, hot pockets and frozen pizzas should be stored in the freezer. I mean, pizzas are a given simply because they have the word frozen right in their title. But here we have someone's frozen breakfast pizza, stored in the fridge. I thought it would be funny to send an email out telling everyone, "snacks in the break room." But was convinced not to because some people really wouldn't find it funny.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Amie and her hair (pt 2)

As I posted yesterday, we got our hair styled and cut. Here are the resulting looks! You can refer to the previous post to see some before pics of Amie. Click here for some before pics of me. Our hairstylist is Jess Cramer (formerly Jansen), and she is amazing. You can get your hair cut, trimmed, dyed, and styled at the new Blondberry Salon on Rt. 45 North. We are both pretty excited about the change in hairstyles.

Here are some additional photos of us and our new hairstyles:
Amie pic 2,
Amie pic 3,
Amie pic 4,
David pic 2,
David pic 3.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Amie and her hair (pt 1)

So Amie decided to take a good 13 inches off her hair today, and donate it to locks of love. I personally love her hair long, and will be sad to see it go. But she has kept it at this long length all this time for me, and for that I am thankful. It hasn't been this long since I first met her, which has been quite the accomplishment. Thankfully, we have our friend Jess taking care of her hair, and I definitely think she will do an excellent job. In the past she's gone to a salon to cut a few inches off, and come back with a very short (and cute, mind you) hairstyle. Which was surprising to me, for sure. This shouldn't be any less of a dramatic change, and I am excited to see what it turns out looking like. I have to confess, I did find some old video footage of Amie with a short hairstyle, and she was quite attractive. So I think it will be a good change. Later I will post the new hairstyle for all to see.

I forgot that I am having a trim and highlights as well, or I would have taken some before shots of my head as well. I'm going to try and grow it out a little, and it's going to be styled and cut to look good at the present length. I will probably take some before and afters of it, so check back later!

Oh, click the images of Amie to the left for a closer look.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Walk in Chicago

So yesterday we went in to Chicago to see Amie's friends Sarah and Chuck and their two children. We drove in and met them at the Amtrack Union Station. It ended up being a pretty eventful day. We had planned on staying and doing some things in Chicago while we were there, and making the trip worth the $19 in parking. It also rained off and on all that day. So imagine Amie and I pushing our limo of a two-seater-stroller packed with snacks, two diaper bags, a change of clothes, and books for Noah filled to the brim. And it doesn't help that the limo is a pain to drive. Weaving in and out of a crowd entails running over a few peoples toes, while Noah pokes people in the butt. But the kids were, all in all, very good.

So we wondered how much we walked that day, and I did a little mapping and found out that we walked roungly 5.5 miles. Here is a map with some additional info on our trip: Our Walk In Chicago.

And, if you haven't checked out the new google map feature, check it out! It's awesome! Google street view

Our walk in Chicago.


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