This past fathers day weekend Scott Shold took me to the '07 Renewable Energy fair in Stevens Point Wisconsin. We left early Saturday morning (5:03a) and arrived around 10a for the first class, and left after the 3p class on Sunday. It ended up being very good weather. It rained on and off very little on Saturday, but enough to stop the 90° weather that they are predicting for today in IL. It was a great time, and very interesting. Scott and I got a good time and got to know each other a little better, and we even had a little extra time after classes ended on Sat to hang out and catch a movie (At World's End).
Here's the classes that we attended:
- Sat/10a - Landscaping for Energy
- Sat/11a - Effective Use of Solar Energy with Payback
- Sat/12p - Green Building Exteriors
- Sat/02p - Food Drying & Canning
- Sat/04p - Beginning Beekeeping
- Sun/10a - Wood Heat
- Sun/11a - Why Nuclear Power
- Sun/12p - Carbon Footprinting
- Sun/02p - Plug-In Hybrid
- Sun/03p - RE for Non-Homeowners
I have audio files and notes that I'll post a little later, for those who might be somewhat interested.
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