Easter this year was great. Amie and I made the decision to make Easter more of the big holiday around our house, and this was our first year at doing so. We really think that Easter is the more important holiday in light of the weight it carries in Christendom. Christmas will always be a special time of the year, but the death and resurrection of Christ is something that we think should be celebrated more than his birthday. We haven't really nailed down completely how Easter will work around the Giove house, but we have a good idea. Church, presents, painting eggs, easter egg hunt, communion (for the adults), big meal, and lots and lots of candy. Noah probably had more candy than he has ever had, all in one day.
Here are some photos from the day. (More after the jump.)
After they unwrapped all of the presents, I pulled out a very large package and told Noah, "We have another one to open." I was expecting Amie to say something like, "What is that?" But she didn't. I was talking to her later about it, and it turns out she was thinking something along the lines of, "Oh my gosh, where are we going to put that toy." Then she realized that it was a present for her. :) Check out the video below to see her expression!

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