Page CXVI, Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wood Projects

I have recently done a few wood projects at home, which I am pretty proud of. Granted I'm not carpenter, I can accomplish a few things when it comes to wood.

My first project was to create some shelves for our DVD and VHS collection (Yes, we still own and frequently use our VHS player.) The purpose was to keep them organized, and to keep them out of reach of the kids. My idea was to create a hanging shelf that would anchor into a stud in the wall close to the ceiling. I made these shelves out of a 6'x3' piece of wood which I drilled holes in the sides for the wire to feed through. You can pretty much look at the pictures to see how they turned out, and how I did it. The pictures say more than I could in describing them anyway. I made two sets of these (only one is pictured) and the second set of shelves definitely came out better than the first.

I also made some shelves for our laundry room, and for the room we call the arm pit. The armpit is where the furnace and water heater is, and where most of our junk goes. The stuff we don't want the kids getting into: Bug spray, tools, cleaning chemicals etc. I didn't really make these shelves to be pretty, but it's not like they are ugly. My main goal was to make shelves, and to make them cheap. You might not be able to tell from the pictures, but this really made these two rooms amazing. It pulled all the stuff we had on the floor onto the shelves.


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